Monday, September 29, 2008

Leading a Double Life

Second Life, to me, is contradicting to our society. We tell young children to be careful of strangers and be cautious of Internet predators. Yet somebody thought it would be a good idea to create a website that allowed a person to recreate themselves. The pictures found on page 96 of Text Messaging, are of a Second Life user and his online avatar. After seeing the difference in the two, how can we tell children that Second Life is safe, yet be careful at another other site on the Internet? And not just children, but anyone at any age. I feel that the only people who religiously use this, are unhappy with their real life in some way. The only way that this site is okay, to me, is for the use of understanding the reality of life- how to manage money, etc. The social aspect is emotionally unstable. A man conducted a virtual funeral for his Second Life companion, a women he had never met in real life. Not to mention, Second Life has a private sex section for adults only. I am curious as to why businesses think it is necessary for its company to be apart of Second Life. This whole Second Life idea does not strike me as something I would personally enjoy doing on my free time, nor do I think anyone else should participate in it. Sims is a video game of the same ideas, and seems to be much more safe.

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